Sunday, August 10, 2014

Beginning of the Year Goal Setting Conferences

As I get back into "professional mode" and start thinking about the new school year I realize I need to set some goals for myself.  My school has goal setting conferences for all the students and I think that staff should do the same.  So, what are my goals for the year?

A personal goal is to try and make sure that I stay calm in more of my interactions.  I would love to say all, but that is not possible.  I struggle with staff negativity.  I struggle with student anumeracy (like aliteracy but for math), apathy, and my inability to get concepts across to students to are trying to learn (that last especially).  And I struggle with my family, for many of the reasons that many of us do!

A professional goal is to work on rebuilding my math department.  Aside from myself, there are no math teachers returning form the start of last year.  I've seen more than 1 new math teacher a year since starting 12 years ago and I would like to stop that!  I've got some promising colleagues, so it is a challenge I look forward to.  However, as an Expeditionary Learning school our math department is lagging behind our other departments in implementation.  Somewhat understandable with the turn-over and the difficulty of building meaningful case studies in mathematics.

I have two academic goals.  First, is that I would like to work hard on my National Board Certification.  I believe it is a three year process as they are redoing this process.  Time is good since it involves A LOT of writing; not a strength of mine.  My second is that I would like to post at least 2 blog posts a month, at least one of which will be an article review (I've done a few in the past if you look "down").

If you're a follower of this blog, on twitter (@TheMathProphet), or linked via LinkedIn with me you can hold me accountable.  What are your plans?  Post below!

1 comment:

  1. As a follow-up I've been doing a pretty good job sticking to these goals. I'm falling behind on the blog posting goal, but I'm nailing the rest. How are your goals going?
