Saturday, January 1, 2011

Literature Study - January 1

Teaching Electrolysis of Water Through Drama by Hakan Saricayir ISSN 1648-3898

In this article the writer, based in Turkey, goes over a scenario where 7 students act out the creation of 2 water molecules from a double bonded Oxygen molecule and two single bonded Hydrogen molecules.  It is clever in the way covalent bonding and equation balancing is introduced (one oxygen atom complains of being lonely if his/her friend leaves him so the Hydrogen molecule calls in a friend).

If you want full text I'll email you the article (for non-OWL persons).

Major Findings:
1) Drama is a teaching model that is often utilized in other content areas with great effect, but not often science.
2) Teaching using Dramatic Arts has been shown in multiple studies to increase student understanding and root out misconception.
3) In this study, using pre- and post- tests, students engaged in drama to understand this process did much better than their peers who did not.

Implications?  I can think of many, I'll add some as my readers do!


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