Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day Back

Tough day back today.  Interesting room situation, I had a science room on the 4th floor and a math room on the 7th floor.  I requested my math room switched to a vacant room across the hall on the 4th floor and that set into motion a big deal that ultimately nothing.  Things are going to be weird this year!

What were your first impressions about your first day(s) back?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What do your Facebook posts say about you - an aside

I have a theory.  If you want to know more about yourself look at your Facebook posts.  What would they tell you?

Are they jokes?  Maybe you're the person people look to for humor in their lives.
Are they complaints?  Maybe you're a bit of a crybaby.
Are they about your family?  Good or bad?
Are they about your job?  Do you do what you love or complain about it?

What do you talk about on your FB page and what does it say about you?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

New School Year

As the school year starts, we all have to decide what you are going to do (your priorities) and the things you are not going to do (things you'll let others do).

What are your priorities and things you're going to let go?  I'll post mine later!