Friday, March 25, 2011

Literature Study - March 25, 2011

TITLE: Homeroom: An Updated Classic
SOURCE: Principal Leadership (High Sch Ed) 9 no3 N 2008 Vitale, J. A. Homeroom: An Updated Classic. Principal Leadership (High School Ed.) v. 9 no. 3 (November 2008) p. 24-7

This writers of this article started a new school that would hold up to 4000 students.  They knew that in a school this large students could get lost if they didn't create a system that would help students build a relationship with a caring adult.  Here are some highlights:

  • Advisory lessons are taught based on needed themes
  • Advisory lessons are built around longitudinal ideas
  • Advisories banished anonymity in the school by creating a personal relationship for each student
  • Homeroom lessons were very memorable for students (as measure on exit surveys)
  • Teachers are key for implementing this initiative

What ideas do you have for homeroom?  Do you have lesson ideas?  What do you think?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Expeditionary Learning National Conference went well.  The Crew lesson was a Grand Slam and the SBG&R was a homerun.  We really challenged people and people left with lots of ideas around this idea.

MNASCD went so well that teachers brought it back to their school and their principal wants us to present to the whole staff!  Ott and Totushek are on their way!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Next Up - Portland

MN ASCD went very well.  I am describing it as a stand-up triple.

Next week I have two presentations in Portland.  We are pretty much ready for them, with a few loose ends to clean up.  I'm looking forward to it.

Hans and I have also talked about next steps.  This will include the launching of a website, seeking consultation opportunities, getting published, and teaching at area colleges and universities.  A tall order, but I think we can pull it off.

Any hints out there?

Saturday, March 5, 2011


This coming week Hans and I will be at MN ASCD talking about the role that SBG&R can play in enrichment and intervention.  We will focus on synchronous and asynchronous intervention.  The middle school principal's meeting went well, but you could tell they were interested in immediate results.  Hopefully the people at MN ASCD will be interested in a system that will yield results in the long term.  I'll post about the experience later.